Experience of use Welltone

Reviews from people who have experience with Welltone

Experience using the Welltone drops from Lucas of Munich

experience using Welltone dropsI've been really nervous lately. As a result, the pressure began to rise. Sometimes even up to critical numbers. The condition worsened: I began to sleep badly, there were constant pains in my head, palpitations, my head simply stopped thinking. Many pathologies were revealed during the examination. And I'm still very young! I took anti-hypertensives and sedatives, but I didn't feel any effect from using them. A friend of mine recommended an antihypertensive drug in drops Welltone Contains plant-derived ingredients with the addition of ascorbic acid. When asked how to use it, he replied that it is simple: drink 20 drops twice a day before meals, first dissolved in water. I noticed an improvement in my condition almost immediately, and after a week it generally stabilized: I became much calmer, the headaches stopped, and my blood pressure returned to a level suitable for my age. My mind is clear, I can think even better than before. Yes, and my erection, which I also had problems with, has improved. Using Welltone clearly benefited me.

Experiences of taking Welltone Michelle drops from Lyon

With the onset of menopause, my condition worsened sharply: my blood pressure began to remain at a high level, and crisis states were observed from time to time - severe headaches, heartache, nausea and vomiting. He was hospitalized several times with a diagnosis of worsening high blood pressure. A complex treatment was prescribed - beta-blockers, sedatives and diuretics. I felt good for a while and then it all came back. In addition, he suffered a stroke. I independently reviewed blood pressure medications online and decided to try Welltone drops. I liked that the medicine contains herbal ingredients (I have an intolerance to medicine). The medicine is easy to use: 20 drops in half a glass of water twice a day before meals. I did not think that I would achieve such a good effect: my blood pressure remains at a normal level, the chest and headache pains are gone, there are no crises, my memory has improved significantly. The most recent examination of the cerebral vessels showed a decrease in their spasm, which I am very happy about: I will continue to use the drops in the future.